Make your iPhone louder

This way the speakers of your iPhone sound louder

iPhones are getting better speakers that can play music louder. If you want to give your music a little more power, you can set the iPhone speakers louder with this tip so that everything sounds louder.

Make your iPhone louder!

Sometimes it’s nice to give your music a little more power. The sound from the iPhone speakers is often fine, but if you want to listen with several people you may want the iPhone speaker to sound louder than usual. You can achieve this by changing a small setting.

  • equalizer
  • Trick
  • Adjust volume

Make iPhone speakers louder

By adjusting your equalizer to a specific setting, you make the sound louder. An equalizer is to music what a filter is to a photo. You can give character to your sound.

  1. Go to Settings > Music.
  2. Open Equalizer.
  3. Choose Late night.

Is the option not visible? Then check whether you have not accidentally (or on purpose) removed the Music app from your device.

Your music should now sound a bit louder and more powerful than before. This way it is very easy to give your music just a little more power. The Late Night setting is almost always the best choice to make your music sound louder, but you can also try something if it doesn’t quite match your current track.

Make iPhone louder with a trick

If you want to make the music from your iPhone sound louder, you can connect a Bluetooth speaker. If you don’t have one, there are also nice tricks to make a passive speaker from things in your environment.

Make your iPhone louder

Use a cup, glass, or a Pringles canister. Place the iPhone in the cup or glass and your music will sound just a bit louder. It does not matter whether the cup is made of glass, earthenware, or plastic, it all works.

Turn up iPhone sound

If you want to turn up the iPhone sound in general, you can do that in several ways. By pressing the volume keys on the side of the device or by opening the Control Panel. Swipe it into the screen and you can indicate with your finger how loud the iPhone speaker should be.

This of course works for connected earbuds, which often also have their own buttons on the cable to turn the audio louder.

You can separately control how loud the ringtones and other notifications should sound via Settings > Hearing and feeling. You can also adjust the sound yourself when you receive an e-mail, tweet or Facebook message.

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